Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil & Material Testing Equipment
Tlp: 0822-2111-1131 / (022) 82001060


RC-800 J-RING 12 BAR
J-RING APPARATUS, similar to C174N, but having n° 12 cylindrical bars and 59 mm distance between them, to simulate a condition of standard density of the reinforced bars.
RC-800 A J-RING 16 BAR
The J-RING apparatus consists of a galvanized steel crown with 16 cylindrical bars of Ø18 mm x 140 mm, fixed into the holes of the drilled circumference.
The bars have distance of 41 mm between them. The jring apparatus has a rectangular section of 30×15 mm and a median diameter of 300 mm.

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